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Crea la vida
que tu alma desea

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Aprende a vivir libremente

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¿Sientes que quieras más? ¿Como si hubiera más en la vida de lo que has estado experimentando? Has tenido todos los lujos pero sigues buscando satisfacción. ¿Visualizando una vida de alegría que siempre parece estar fuera de su alcance? Entonces déjame ayudarte.


Soy Cary-anne Hornsey, una mujer medicina, que está aquí para descargar códigos de alma, específicamente para ti que te permitirá transformar todas las áreas de tu vida y crear la vida de que sueñas. Esa vida de la que tienes vislumbres de vez en cuando. Lo ves y lo sueñas porque te está esperando para recuperar tu magia interior y alinearte con su frecuencia.

Entonces, si ha viajado por el mundo pero quiere viajar a su interior para descubrir su verdadera esencia, eche un vistazo a lo que le ofrezco y comencemos su viaje mágico a su propio reino, su propia marca de magia y misterio que solo usted. puede desbloquear y revelar al mundo, donde seré su guía a través de las dimensiones hasta el hogar.  ​

Algunas de las modalidades que incorporo a mi trabajo:

  • Magia verde

  • Magia roja

  • Comunicación con la Naturaleza

  • Aprovechamiento de energía

  • Plantas sagradas

  • Respiración Pranayama

  • Lanzamiento sónico

  • Sanación con sonido

  • Sanación Experiencial 

  • Bienestar holístico


Each bespoke programme is one to one and evolves with you. From joining a programme, you will attain   


Clarity – what is it that you're truly longing for and steps to achieve it  


Vision – moving away from the hustle and grind, into a new way of living where everything flows easily, and time is on your side, allowing for new ideas and creativity to come in.   


Insight – new perspectives that allow for a more peaceful way of living, positively affecting your health and relationships  


Connection – to self and nature. Remembering the humanness of us all, bringing in more self-compassion and healthier relationships  


Intuition – all the answers you need are within you. Once connected to your intuition you will never doubt yourself or your decisions again  


Acceptance – of the things that have happened and how life is, enabling you to move forward with more strength and positivity  


Inspiration – feel motivated again, truly motivated, to forge new paths and move forward with new found energy, becoming that revolutionary leader who does everything with passion  


Growth – personal growth to improve your life on all levels, and business growth and evolution without the grind  


Release – all those things that haunt you when you can't sleep and make you anxious, will all be released from your energy. Let go of people and situations that aren't in your best interest, with ease.  


Progress – moving forward never felt so easy. Things will just begin to happen as you want them without any forcing or fight  


Enjoyment – experience true fulfilment and joy in life, fill that hole and feel happy and content   


Trust – learn to trust yourself and the people around you. Once you believe in and trust yourself, things start to happen differently, people begin to behave differently around you. You no longer have to doubt everything and everyone.  


Each programme works on a personal and business level, giving what is needed in each moment. All Intuitive Guidance sessions are weekly and held via video call, with continuous support between sessions via email, text and voice note.   


In person sessions are included in the 12 month programme, which include transformative day retreats, using various alternative therapy modalities.   

Techniques used in the programmes may include  


Stress management tools – learn to manage your stress to improve your health and allow for a more productive, peaceful way of being  


Rerouting neural pathways – through changed responses and new experiences, your neural pathways will be altered to give freedom of thinking and clarity  


Ancient techniques – modalities that have been used for centuries to calm the mind and bring inner peace  


Inspired actions – actions that will shift your mindset giving a new perspective  

Embodied practices – our bodies hold a lot of tension and past experiences, through somatic practices you are able to master your energy and live a healthier, happier life  


Connection practices – building your intuition and strengthening your connection results in deeper trust and aligned decision making   


Releasing techniques – to let go of everything that is not healthy for you  


Results are fast and can be seen from the first communication. Life will magically begin to transform. If you are ready to be part of the change in the world, help to bring in a new way of living and working, and make greater impact, see below how to begin! 

Ways to book  


Directly book a programme online, paying in full or monthly instalments 


Book a free connection call with me to discuss the best option for you  


Complete the enquiry form once you've had a look at the programmes and I will contact you to discuss further   




Soy una mujer guerrera mágica que está aquí para ayudarte a superar todos tus bloqueos para crear la vida con la que realmente sueñas. La vida que vislumbras pero siempre parece estar fuera de tu alcance.

Mi vida fue increíble. Vivía en la playa en España, con mi hermosa familia, tenía un buen trabajo, un gran círculo de amigos y una vida social emocionante. Pero faltaba algo, siempre quise más.

Un día de 2007, la naturaleza me habló y la escuché. Me di cuenta de que había estado dirigiendo mi energía en la dirección equivocada. Me había centrado en hacer más para obtener más, en lugar de sintonizarme conmigo mismo y mi propia sabiduría innata. Mi ritmo de vida se hizo más lento y comencé a estar en comunión con la naturaleza y mi verdadera esencia.

Regresé a Inglaterra y comencé a buscar formas de vivir de manera diferente. Más conectado. Más en sintonía. Entonces, de repente, uno de mis amigos más antiguos falleció y esto cambió mi vida por completo.

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